Employment News: Latest Updates on Employment News Today, Govt Jobs Alert | Hindustan Times
UCO Bank will close the registration process for Specialist Officer posts on December 27, 2023. The registration process was started on December 5, 2023. Candidates who want to apply for UCO Bank SO Recruitment 2023 can do it through the official website of UCO Bank at ucobank.com.
This recruitment process will fill up 142 posts in the organization. Check vacancy details, eligibility, selection process and other details.
Vacancy details
- Specialist Officer: 127 posts
- Specialist Officer in Risk Management: 15 posts
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates who want to apply for the posts can check the educational qualification and age limit through the Detailed Notification available for SO and SO in Risk Management available below.
Selection Process
The selection will be based on written test/ short listing and subsequent round of Personal Interview and/or any other selection method. The qualifying marks in Interview/written exam will be decided by the Bank.
Application Fees
The application fees is ₹800/- for General, EWS and OBC candidates. The SC, ST & PWD candidates are exempted from payment of application fees. Candidates shall pay the fees/charges in the below mentioned account through Internet Banking /NEFT (Non-Refundable). The Reference number/UTR Number shall be specified in the Application form.
Where to send applications
The applications should be submitted to General Manager, UCO Bank, Head Office, 4th Floor, H. R. M Department, 10, BTM Sarani, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700 001 before the last date.
#UCO #Bank #Recruitment #Registration #posts #ends #tomorrow #ucobank.com