UGC bars three universities in Rajasthan from awarding PhD degrees: Here’s why | – Times of India

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The University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued a notice barring three universities in Rajasthan from awarding PhD degrees after they were found to have compromised the integrity of the degree. According to the notice, the following universities have been barred from awarding PhD degrees:

  • OPJS University, Churu, Rajasthan
  • Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan
  • Singhania University, Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan

The UGC constituted a standing committee to monitor whether universities are adhering to the prescribed procedures and awarding PhD degrees in compliance with the commission’s regulations.

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One of the mandates of this standing committee is to suggest corrective measures and recommend actions against erring universities. After analyzing data provided by the standing committee, the UGC found that these three universities failed to comply with the provisions of the UGC PhD Regulations and the academic norms for awarding PhD degrees.
The UGC gave the universities an opportunity to explain their failure to comply with the provisions. However, their responses were deemed unsatisfactory. Consequently, the standing committee recommended that the UGC debar these universities from enrolling PhD students for the next five years.
In its notice, the UGC has advised prospective students and parents not to enroll in PhD programs offered by these universities. Furthermore, without UGC approval, PhD degrees awarded by these universities will not be recognized or considered valid for higher education or employment purposes.
Click here to read the official notice.

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