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NEW DELHI: University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued a new check list for higher education institutions (HEIs). Now universities will have to inform the public about the admission process, fees and refund policy, facilities, developmental plan, and collaborations, among others on its websites. It is also important to mention its NAAC accreditation and NIRF ranking.
According to the Commission, on the completion of three years of the National Education Policy (NEP)2020 it analysed the university websites and found that many websites lacked even the basic minimum information about that institution, and in many cases the websites are not running properly.
As per the checklist issued by the UGC, the admission formula that will be prepared cannot be changed. Students should also be aware of important telephone numbers, important website addresses, and the university ombudsman. If there is any other campus attached to the university, then it will also have to be informed about so that the students are not cheated.
Post analysis of the websites of the university and the findings, the Commission issued the check list which every university will now have to update accordingly.
According to UGC, students, parents, research scholars, government officials, alumni have faced problems in getting some basic information from the websites of various universities and keeping all these issues in mind, the Commission is now working on a mission mode to update the websites of every university.
The checklist has 11 categories such as ‘about HEI/ university’, ‘administration’, ‘academics’, ‘admissions and fee’, and ‘campus harmony and wellbeing,’ among others. The subcategories include information such as institutional development plan, patents, foreign collaboration, industry collaborations, Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri with links, fellowships/ scholarships with details, Academic Bank of Credits (with link), socio-economically disadvantaged group cell, alumni association, and alumni coordination cell, among others.
According to the Commission, on the completion of three years of the National Education Policy (NEP)2020 it analysed the university websites and found that many websites lacked even the basic minimum information about that institution, and in many cases the websites are not running properly.
As per the checklist issued by the UGC, the admission formula that will be prepared cannot be changed. Students should also be aware of important telephone numbers, important website addresses, and the university ombudsman. If there is any other campus attached to the university, then it will also have to be informed about so that the students are not cheated.
Post analysis of the websites of the university and the findings, the Commission issued the check list which every university will now have to update accordingly.
According to UGC, students, parents, research scholars, government officials, alumni have faced problems in getting some basic information from the websites of various universities and keeping all these issues in mind, the Commission is now working on a mission mode to update the websites of every university.
The checklist has 11 categories such as ‘about HEI/ university’, ‘administration’, ‘academics’, ‘admissions and fee’, and ‘campus harmony and wellbeing,’ among others. The subcategories include information such as institutional development plan, patents, foreign collaboration, industry collaborations, Shodhganga and Shodhgangotri with links, fellowships/ scholarships with details, Academic Bank of Credits (with link), socio-economically disadvantaged group cell, alumni association, and alumni coordination cell, among others.
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Manash Pratim Gohain
#UGC #issues #checklist #university #websites #Times #India