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Students who wish to become Assistant Professor are required to clear this exam. On the behalf of the University Grants Commission, NTA conducts the National Eligibility Test twice a year. Lakhs of students appear for this exam and aim to clear the NET-JRF qualification. Students having a master’s degree in the listed subjects are eligible to sit in the exam. Despite rigorous efforts, many students could not clear the test. The last week before the exam is the most crucial time for UGC NET aspirants.
Let’s check out the last-minute preparation tips for candidates appearing for the National Eligibility Test.
Candidates must revise their notes before the exam. For Paper-1, try to revise the theoretical part first then move to the numericals. This will help you remember important mathematical formulas for the exam.
Practice Sample Papers
No amount of note preparation will help you in the exam unless you have not understood the exam pattern. Previous years’ question paper is the best source to get a hold of the NET exam pattern.
Prioritise Both Papers
Candidates generally perform well in their subject i.e., Paper – 2. However, a collective score in both papers is important to qualify for this exam. Make a preparation schedule so that you cover both papers during the revision period. Paper one is the compulsory paper for all the candidates appearing for the UGC NET, irrespective of the subject opted for. Performance in Paper-1 creates a big difference between NET and JRF qualification.
Take Test: UGC NET Mock Test
No Negative Marking
There is no negative marking for wrong answers in the NET exam. Therefore, candidates should try to attempt all the questions, both Paper-1 and Paper-2.
Start with Paper-1
The UGC NET exam is conducted for a duration of 3 hours. Candidates should start with Paper-1 and then move to Paper-2. Always try to finish the first paper at the earliest since the number of questions is low.
CBT Exam
NTA conducts the NET Exam in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode. Candidates who are not familiar with the CBT exam pattern must attempt the mock test available on the official NTA website at
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Saurav Pandey
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