Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
UGC NET December 2023 Admit Card Live Updates: Admit cards of the University Grants Commission National Entrance Test or UGC NET December 2023 will be released on the official website, The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the examination from December 6 to 22 and ahead of exams, hall tickets will be released on the exam website.
Candidates can download their admit cards using application number and date of birth, once it is released.
In admit cards, exam date, paper timings, roll number, reporting time, exam cetre details, etc. will be mentioned. The detailed examination schedule and exam city slips have been released.
For information on the UGC NET December exam, candidates can contact the NTA on 011-40759000 /011 – 69227700 or mail at
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