UGC NET December 2023 Admit Card Releasing Soon Download NTA NET Call Letter, Exam Centre Guidelines

Jagran Josh

UGC NET December 2023 Important Dates



UGC NET December 2023 Notification

Download Official Notice

September 30, 2023 

UGC NET December 2023 Online Application Dates

September 30 to October 31, 2023 (upto 11:59 PM)

UGC NET December 2023 Application Correction Date

November 1 to 3, 2023 (upto 11:59 PM)

Announcement of City of Exam Centre

First week of December 2023

UGC NET December 2023 Admit Card Release Date

First week of December 2023

UGC NET December 2023 Exam Date

December 6 to 14, 2023

UGC NET December 2023 Answer Key

January 2024 (Tentative)

UGC NET December 2023 Result Date

January 10, 2024

UGC NET Admit Card December 2023

Once the UGC NET pre-admit card or exam city intimation slip is released on the official website, the National Testing Agency (NTA) will subsequently release the UGC NET December 2023 admit cards. This essential document must be brought by candidates to the exam, as it contains their personal information (name, category, parent’s name, date of birth, photograph, etc.) and exam details (exam date, exam time, exam center, reporting time, important instructions, etc.).”

How to Download UGC NET December 2023 Admit Card or  Exam City Intimation Slip?

Here are the steps to download the UGC NET December 2023 admit card from the official website:

Step 1: Go to the official website –

Step 2: Click on the “Download Admit Card for UGC NET December 2023 Exam” link on the homepage.

Step 3: After that, enter the application number, date of birth, and security pin, and then click on the submit button.

Step 4: The UGC NET Admit Card will be displayed on the screen showing the candidate’s exam centre details.

Step 5: Download or take the printout of the admit card for future use.

Latest News: UGC NET 2023 Fellowship Rates Revised for JRF and SRF

In case a candidate is unable to download admit card from the website, he/she may approach the Help Line of NTA between 09:30 am to 5:30 pm or write to NTA at:;

UGC NET December 2023 Admit Card and Exam Centre Guidelines

Candidates are advised to carry only the following with them into the Examination venue:

a) Admit Card along with Self Declaration (Undertaking) downloaded from the NTA Website (a clear printout on A4size paper) duly filled in.

b) A simple transparent Ball Point Pen.

c) One passport-size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) for pasting on the specific space in the attendance sheet at centre during the

d) Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml).

e) Personal transparent water bottle.

f) ID Proof- Any one of the authorized photo IDs (must be original, valid andnon- expired) – PAN card/ Driving License/Passport/ Aadhaar Card (With photograph)/ Aadhaar). The name on the photo identification must match with the name as shown on the Admit Card.

g) PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if claiming the relaxation under PwD

Candidates shall appear at their own cost at the Examination Centre on the Date, Shift and time indicated on their Admit Cards issued by the NTA in due course through its Website.

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UGC NET December 2023 Reporting Time and Other Important Instructions

(i) The candidates shall report at the examination centre two hours before the commencement of the examination so as to complete the frisking and registration formalities well before time. The registration desk will be closed 30 minutes prior to the examination.

(ii) Candidates shall not be permitted to enter to the Examination Centre after 8.30 am in the first shift and after 2.30 pm in the second shift.

(iii) Candidates are also advised to report at the Examination Hall/Room in the Examination Centre by 8.45 am in the First Shift and by 2.45 pm in the Second Shift.
(iv) A seat indicating Roll Number will be allotted to each candidate. Candidates should find and sit on their allocated seats only.

(v) The candidate should ensure that the question paper available on the computer is as per his/her opted subject indicated in the Admit Card. In case, the subject of the question paper is other than his/her opted subject, the same may be brought to the notice of the Invigilator concerned.

Items Prohibited in the Examination Hall

Candidates are NOT allowed to carry Instruments, Geometry or Pencil box, Handbag, Purse, any kind of Paper/ Stationery/ Textual material (printed or written material), Eatables (loose or packed), Mobile Phone/ Earphone/ Microphone/ Pager, Calculator, Docu Pen, Slide Rules, Log Tables, Camera, Tape Recorder, Electronic Watches with facilities of calculator, any metallic item or electronic gadgets/ devices in the Examination Hall/Room. Smoking, chewing gutka, spitting, etc. in the Examination Room/Hall is strictly prohibited.

If any candidate is in possession of any of the above item, his/ her candidature will be treated as unfair means and lead to cancellation of the current Examination & also debar the candidate for future examination(s) & the material will be seized.

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#UGC #NET #December #Admit #Card #Releasing #Download #NTA #NET #Call #Letter #Exam #Centre #Guidelines

By bpci

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