UGC NET December 2023 Exam City Intimation Slip Link OUT Get Direct Link to Download NTA NET Pre Admit Card

Jagran Josh

UGC NET Admit Card December 2023 (PRE) To Be OUT Soon The National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting the UGC NET December 2023 exam from December 6 to 14, 2023 to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship and Assistant Professor’ posts in Indian universities and colleges. NTA has released the UGC NET advance exam city intimation slip for the December 2023 exam this week. In this article, we are going to share details of the UGC NET December 2023 exam city intimation slip and the process to download the UGC NET pre-admit card 2023. 

UGC NET Pre Admit Card December 2023

NTA has released the UGC NET exam city intimation slip for the December 2023 cycle that includes the candidate’s exam center and city details. UGC NET pre-admit card will provide advance information for allotment of centre city to the applicant. 

UGC NET December 2023 Exam City Intimation Slip

National Testing Agency has released the city intimation slip which will include the details of the exam centre where the candidates need to reach to participate in the exam. The link has been activated on the official website.

How to Download UGC NET December 2023 Exam City Intimation Slip?

Here are the steps to download the UGC NET December 2023 exam city intimation slip:

Step 1: Go to the official website –

Step 2: Click on the “Download UGC NET December 2023 Exam Advance Intimation Slip” link on the homepage.

Step 3: After that, enter the application number, date of birth, and security pin, and then click on the submit button.

Step 4: The UGC NET advance exam city intimation slip will be displayed on the screen showing the candidate’s exam centre details.

Step 5: Download or take the printout of the exam city intimation slip for future use.

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One of the major benefits that this intimation slip offers is that it helps candidates make necessary arrangements for the travel beforehand. A lot of candidates get allotted cities a far distance from their home city. With city intimation released beforehand, one can make travel arrangements to avoid any hassle on the examination day.  In case any candidate faces difficulty in downloading/checking the examination city intimation slip or admit card in due course, he/she can contact at 011-40759000 or email at

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UGC NET Admit Card December 2023

NTA will release the UGC NET December 2023 admit cards after releasing the UGC NET pre-admit card or exam city intimation slip at its official website. The UGC NET admit card is an essential document to be carried by the candidates on the examination day as it contains complete details about the candidates (name, category, parent’s name, date of birth, photograph, etc.), and exam details (exam date, exam time, exam center, reporting time, important instructions, etc.).

UGC NET 2023 Exam will be a Computer-Based Test (CBT) consisting of two papers, i.e., Paper I and II conducted in a single session (No break between Paper 1 & Paper 2). Candidates are required to appear for both papers to be eligible for JRF and Assistant Professor or Assistant Professor only. The candidates need to download the UGC NET December 2023 pre-admit card to know the exam venue where they will have to go to appear in the exam. Therefore, they should enter the correct login credentials to get access to the pre-admit card for the UGC NET December 2023 exam.

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By bpci

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