UGC NET English Syllabus 2023: Check Important Topics, Latest Exam Pattern, Books, and Preparation Strategy Here

Jagran Josh

Candidates who aspire to pursue their career in English must check the UGC NET English syllabus. Check out the latest UGC NET English Syllabus and Exam Pattern here!

UGC NET English Syllabus 2023: The UGC NET English Syllabus 2023 has been released by the exam conducting authority on the official website. Candidates should check the detailed syllabus for the UGC NET English preparation strategy. The UGC NET English syllabus is divided into two papers, i.e., Paper A and Paper B. Paper A is a common paper for all subjects. In contrast, Paper B carries questions related to English topics. 

The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the UGC-NET exam twice a year to determine the eligibility of deserving candidates for ‘Assistant Professor’ and ‘Junior Research Fellowship Assistant Professor’ in Indian Universities and Colleges.

Thus, brushing up on the concepts of all the English topics is important to maximize the chances of scoring high marks in the exam. As per the previous year’s exam analysis, the overall difficulty level of the UGC NET English question is reported to be moderate in nature. 


In this article, we have shared the UGC NET English syllabus, exam pattern, preparation tips, and best books in detail.

UGC NET English Syllabus 2023 PDF

Before applying, candidates should download the official UGC NET English syllabus PDF link shared below to develop conceptual clarity for all the topics. Get the direct link to download the UGC NET English syllabus below:


UGC NET English Syllabus 2023- Unit Wise

The English syllabus for the UGC NET exam is divided into ten units. The first four units will be assessed through comprehension passages to assess critical reading, critical thinking, and writing skills. The remaining four units will cover all literature in English. The important topics covered in the UGC NET English syllabus are Drama,  Poetry, Fiction, short story, Non-Fictional Prose, Language, English in India, etc. Let’s look at the unit-wise English syllabus for UGC NET in detail below:

  • Unit –I: Drama
  • Unit –II: Poetry
  • Unit –III: Fiction, short story
  • Unit –IV: Non-Fictional Prose
  • Unit –V : Language: Basic concepts, theories, and pedagogy. English in Use.
  • Unit –VI: English in India: history, evolution, and Futures
  • Unit –VII: Cultural Studies
  • Unit –VIII: Literary Criticism
  • Unit –IX: Literary Theory post World War II
  • Unit –X: Research Methods and Materials in English

UGC NET English Syllabus 2023 In Hindi

यूजीसी नेट परीक्षा के लिए अंग्रेजी पाठ्यक्रम को दस इकाइयों में विभाजित किया गया है। महत्वपूर्ण पठन, आलोचनात्मक सोच और लेखन कौशल का आकलन करने के लिए पहली चार इकाइयों का भी बोधगम्य मार्ग के माध्यम से मूल्यांकन किया जाना चाहिए। शेष चार इकाइयां अंग्रेजी में सभी साहित्य को कवर करेंगी। UGC NET के अंग्रेजी पाठ्यक्रम में शामिल महत्वपूर्ण विषय नाटक, कविता, कथा, लघु कहानी, गैर-काल्पनिक गद्य, भाषा, भारत में अंग्रेजी आदि हैं। आइए नीचे UGC NET के लिए इकाई-वार अंग्रेजी पाठ्यक्रम को विस्तार से देखें:

  • यूनिट-I: नाटक
  • यूनिट-II: कविता
  • यूनिट-III: फिक्शन, लघु कथा
  • यूनिट-IV: गैर-काल्पनिक गद्य
  • यूनिट-V: भाषा: बुनियादी अवधारणाएं, सिद्धांत और शिक्षाशास्त्र। उपयोग में अंग्रेजी।
  • यूनिट-VI: भारत में अंग्रेजी: इतिहास, विकास और भविष्य
  • यूनिट-VII: सांस्कृतिक अध्ययन
  • यूनिट-VIII: साहित्यिक आलोचना
  • यूनिट-IX: साहित्यिक सिद्धांत द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के बाद
  • यूनिट-X: अंग्रेजी में अनुसंधान के तरीके और सामग्री

Paper-Wise Weightage for UGC NET English Syllabus

Candidates should be well-versed with the weightage of the sections mentioned in the UGC NET English Syllabus before starting their preparation. To understand the question format, marking scheme, etc., one should thoroughly review the UGC NET English exam pattern. Check the paper-wise UGC NET English pattern below:



Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

Marking Scheme

Paper 1

Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Reading Comprehension, Communication, Reasoning (including Maths), Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, Information & Communication Technology (ICT), People & Environment, and Higher Education System



+2 marks for the correct answer. No negative marking is applicable

Paper 2




+2 marks for the correct answer. No negative marking is applicable




How do I prepare for UGC NET English?

Candidates should adhere to the unique UGC NET English preparation tips the previous toppers and experts recommended. These will help them to cover all the topics specified in the UGC NET English syllabus and help them to assign study hours to every section accordingly. Here is a list of the best tips and tricks to ace the UGC NET English section in one attempt.

  • Download the UGC NET English syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly before the commencement of the preparation to cover only the topics important for the exam. 
  • Choose the books and study material to learn the fundamentals easily, allowing you to understand the advanced-level concepts clearly.
  • Build an approach to manage time during your preparation effectively. Set a certain time period for each topic and question to prepare well for the actual exam.
  • Practice essay writing to improve your vocabulary, grammatical, and comprehension skills to boost your writing skills.
  • Candidates must be familiar with all the latest updates in the English literature. They can refer to literary journals and academic websites and subscribe to newsletters for the latest news and insights.
  • Practice previous year’s question papers, UGC NET sample papers, and mock tests to improve your strength and weakness and maximize your question-solving speed and accuracy.
  • Prepare short notes for all the English topics, as these notes can be used in the last-minute revision of the vast syllabus and also help you to retain the concepts in the long run.

Best Books for UGC NET English Syllabus

Candidates should read the latest edition of UGC NET English books highly recommended by mentors and experts. The right preparation books will allow them to cover all the aspects of the UGC NET English syllabus. Some of the expert-recommended books for the UGC NET English subject are shared below:

  • UGC NET English Literature by Arihant Experts
  • A Glossary of Literary Terms by M.H Abrams
  • An Objective & Analytical Approach to English Literature for UGC NET-JRF by Dr. Vivekanand Jha
  • A Concise History of Indian Literature in English by Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Orient Blackswan
  • Trueman’s UGC NET English Literature by B.P. Panigrahi
  • English for UGC-NET/JRF by R.S. Malik 
  • Objective Approach to English Literature for NET, JRF by K.K. Narayan, Pandey Om Prakash, Rahmat Jahan Ivan K. Masih, and Neeraj Kumar
  • English for UGC-NET by Neeru Tandon
  • Literary Criticism: A Short History by Wimsatt and Brooks
  • The Elements of Drama by J.L Styan


How difficult is the UGC NET exam in English?

As per the previous year’s exam analysis, the overall difficulty level of this English question is found to be moderate in nature. Hence one can anticipate questions to be easy to moderate level in the upcoming exam.

Which books are best to cover the UGC NET English syllabus?

Some of the best books to excel in the UGC NET English syllabus are UGC NET English Literature by Arihant Experts, A Glossary of Literary Terms by M.H Abrams, An Objective & Analytical Approach to English Literature for UGC NET-JRF by Dr. Vivekanand Jha, etc

How to start preparation for UGC NET exam in English?

To prepare for UGC NET English, candidates should download the UGC NET English syllabus and exam pattern, clear the basic concepts from the highly recommended books, and attempt mock tests and previous years’ papers to achieve favorable scores.

What is the UGC NET English Syllabus?

The UGC NET English Syllabus is divided into ten units i.e., Drama, Poetry, Fiction, short story, Non-Fictional Prose, Language, English in India, etc.

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