UGC NET Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023 Categorywise: Passing Marks to Qualify for JRF, Assistant Professor

Jagran Josh

UGC NET 2023 Minimum Qualifying Marks Categorywise: Check passing marks category-wise of the NTA UGC NET exam required to qualify for JRF & Assistant Professor posts.

UGC NET Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023: National Testing Agency (NTA) has concluded the UGC NET June 2023 exam. Candidates who have appeared for the UGC NET 2023 exam must check the minimum qualifying marks required to get shortlisted for ‘Assistant Professor” & Junior Research fellowship (JRF) under different categories like General, EWS, OBC, SC, ST, PwD, and Third-gender. 

Check UGC NET 2023 Result Calculator Based on Normalisation of Marks

UGC NET 2023 Exam was a Computer-Based Test (CBT) consisting of two papers. Paper-1 and 2 were conducted in a single session and there was no break between the two papers. Candidates were required to appear for both papers to be eligible for JRF and Assistant Professor or Assistant Professor only.

UGC NET 2023 Exam Pattern


Number of Questions (All are compulsory)






3 Hours







Download UGC NET 2023 Exam Memory Based Question Paper with Answer Keys PDF

Let’s look at the category-wise minimum qualifying marks in UGC NET 2023 Exam.

UGC NET Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023 for Assistant Professor & JRF Posts

To be considered for ‘JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor’ and for ‘Assistant Professor’, the candidate must have appeared in both the papers and secured at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General (Unreserved) category candidates and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for all candidates belonging to the following reserved categories (viz., SC, ST, OBC (belonging to the non-creamy layer, PwD, and third gender)


Minimum Qualifying Marks (%)

(UGC NET Paper 1 + Paper 2)

General (UR)/ EWS




The number of candidates to be qualified (total slots or Eligibility for Assistant Professor) shall be equal to 6% of the candidates who appeared in both the papers of NET. The total slots shall be allocated to different categories as per the reservation policy of the Government of India.

UGC NET Assistant Professor/JRF Slot Reservation Policy 2023

The reservation policy of the Government of India applies to UGC NET. According to this, in the Central Universities and Institutions which are deemed to be Universities, 10% of the seats are reserved for the category General-Economically Weaker Section (GEN-EWS), 15% of the seats are reserved for the category Scheduled Caste (SC), 7.5% for the category Scheduled Tribe (ST), 27% for the category Other Backward Classes belonging to the Non Creamy layer”(OBC-NCL) and :


% Reservation









PwD (Persons with 40% or more disability)

5% of the seats in the above-mentioned categories

The subject-wise and category-wise final cut-off marks for UGC NET June 2023 exam will be released by NTA on its official website.

Check CSIR NET 2023 Result Date, Merit List, Normalisation of Marks, E-certificate details


Q1. What is the UGC NET Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023?

The UGC NET Minimum Qualifying Marks 2023 is 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for General (Unreserved) category candidates and at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together for all candidates belonging to the following reserved categories.

Q2. Will the UGC NET Minimum Qualifying Marks include the Paper-1 and Paper-2 marks?

Yes, the UGC NET minimum qualifying marks 2023 considered for ‘JRF and Eligibility for Assistant Professor’ and for ‘Assistant Professor’ will be the aggregate percentage of both papers.

Q3. Is there any reservation policy for Assistant Professor and JRF Posts?

Yes, the reservation policy of the Government of India is applicable to UGC NET.

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