UGC NET Result 2023 on 13 April at; UGC Chairman Confirms on Twitter

Jagran Josh

UGC Net Result 2023 to be announced on April 13, 2023. The candidates can check the latest updates regarding NTA UGC NET result for the December exam session in this article.


UGC NET result 2023 is to be announced on April 13. The UGC NET result announcement date has been confirmed by  Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar, Chairman, University Grants Commission. In his tweet, UGC Chairman posted that the result for the December session exam will be announced April 13, 2023.

The candidates can check UGC NET result with their application number, date of birth and security pin. Once, they have checked the result UGC NET scorecard can be also downloaded from the result login window. 

NTA will also release the cut-off marks of all categories will also be available on the official website. The NTA UGC NET cut-off marks will be released in a PDF format. 

UGC NET exam for the ‘December cycle’ was conducted from February 21 to March 16, 2023, in five phases over a period of 16 days. The exam covered 83 different subjects and was held at 663 centres across the country. It is to be noted that 8,34,537 candidates appeared for the exam.

How to download UGC NET result 2023: A Stepwise procedure

Step 1: Visit the official website of the exam

Step 2: Click the View UGC NET Result 2023 link

Step 3: Enter the following details

  • Application number
  • Date of birth
  • Security pin as shown in the image

Step 4: Click on the Submit button

Step 5: Download the UGC NET scorecard 2023

Websites to check UGC NET result 2023: or

Candidates can UGC NET result through official websites. The official websites to check result are or While checking the result, candidates have to open the link where they have to enter login credentials like roll number. 

The official websites to check result are: 

What is UGC NET 2023 Qualifying Criteria: 40% aggregate for unresrved and 35% for reserved category

The UGC NET result 2023 is to be declared only for those candidates who will secure qualifying marks as epr their category. The eligibility criteria for JRF and for Assistant Professor are mentioned below.

  • Candidates must have appeared in both the papers  
  • General (Unreserved)/General-EWS candidates must have secured at least 40% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together
  • Candidates belonging to the reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC (belonging to Non- Creamy Layer), PwD and third gender) must have secured at least 35% aggregate marks in both the papers taken together

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