UK Board Class 10 Model Paper 2023 – 2024: Download FREE PDF

Jagran Josh

Class 10 Model Paper UK Board 2024: Find here PDF download links for UBSE Class 10 Model Papers. Sample papers for all subjects of Class 10 have been provided in the article for your convenience.

Get direct link to download Class 10 Model paper for UK Board

Get direct link to download Class 10 Model paper for UK Board

UBSE UK Board Class 10th Model Paper 2024: Uttarakhand Board of Secondary Education (UBSE) has published the UK Board Class 10 Model Paper 2023-2024 for all subjects of Class 10. All the UBSE 2024 aspirants are advised to check the subject-wise model papers provided in this article. You can also find PDF links for sample papers on each subject. Model papers also known as sample papers are released by the board council to inform students about the question paper pattern, chapter-wise marking distribution, and presence of competency-based questions in the paper. Using this resource, students can then prepare accordingly. 

Benefits of Model Paper 

Find here why are model papers/sample papers important for board students. The model papers provide students with the below-mentioned benefits:

Shiv Khera

  1. Informs students about the exam pattern and marking scheme
  2. Acts as a blueprint for the question paper
  3. Boosts the confidence of students
  4. Helps you assess your practice or preparation level
  5. Helps you analyze your weaknesses and strengths

How to download UBSE UK Board Class 10 Model Paper 2024

To download the UBSE UK Board Class 10 model paper 2023-2024, students can follow the instructions laid down below in points.

  1. Go to the official website of the Uttarakhand Board
  2. Click on the ‘old/model question paper’ option on the right-hand side of the screen
  3. A list of subjects appears on the screen. Click on the subject you want to check the sample paper for. 
  4. Using the downward arrow button at the top right corner of the screen, download the sample paper in PDF

Check the subject-wise UK Board Class 10 model papers 2023-2024 in the table below. A PDF link for each of the subjects have been provided in the article for your reference. Students can download and save the sample paper at their convenience. 

Also Read:

UBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-2024

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#Board #Class #Model #Paper #Download #FREE #PDF

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