UKPSC RO/ARO Recruitment 2023: Registration for 137 posts begins tomorrow at

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Uttarakhand Public Service Commission has invited applications for RO/ARO posts. Eligible candidates can apply online through the official site of UKPSC at The registration process will begin on September 8 and will close on September 29, 2023.

UKPSC RO/ARO Recruitment 2023: Registration for 137 posts begins tomorrow

This recruitment drive will fill up 137 posts in the organization. To apply for the posts candidates can follow the steps given below.

The official notice also reads, “Interested / eligible candidates should carefully observe all the conditions / instructions mentioned in the detailed advertisement circulated on the Commission’s website before applying online for the posts in question. For resolution of problems arising while applying online, candidates can email” For more related details candidates can check the official site of UKPSC.

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#UKPSC #ROARO #Recruitment #Registration #posts #begins #tomorrow

By bpci

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