Board Exams 2023: Get Exam Results updates, Date Sheet, Syllabus, Time table of CBSE and State Board Exams | Hindustan Times
Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad has declared UP Board 10th, 12th Results 2023. The results have been announced by Board official at the press conference conducted by the Board. Candidates can check the results on the official site of UPMSP at and also on UP Board Results 2023 Live Updates
Apart from the official website, the CLass 10, 12 results will be available on HT Portal education page. The result link will be available after the results are declared and can be checked with roll numbers.
This year the overall pass percentage for Class 10 is 89.78 percent and Class 12 is 75.52 percent. Mahoba’s Shubh Chhapra has topped Class 12 and Priyanshi Soni has topped Class 10 exams.
This year a total of 58,85,745 students had registered for examinations which includes 31,16,487 from Class 10 and 27,69,258 from Class 12. The Board appointed 1,43,933 examiners to check 1.86 crores high school and 1.33 crore intermediate answer sheets. The evaluation process was conducted from March 18 to April 1, 2023.
The Class 10, 12 board exam was conducted from February 16 to March 3 for Class 10 and February 16 to March 4 for Class 12. UP Board Class 10, 12 final exams were held in two shifts – the first one from 8 am to 11:15 pm and the second one from 2 pm to 5:15 pm.
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