Jagran Josh
UP Board Class 12 Chemistry Model Paper 2023: Download the latest model paper for Chemistry released by UPMSP for UP Board Class 12 examinations for the year 2023.
UP Board Class 12 Chemistry Model Paper 2023: UP Board exams 2023 are on the horizon, and students are preparing with utmost dedication. But all that effort could go in vain without knowing the correct syllabus and practising model papers beforehand. Understanding the pattern of the exam and solving model papers helps students stay relaxed during the actual exam and think clearly.
Also Read: UP Board class 12 Chemistry syllabus 2022-23: Download Syllabus and Deleted Syllabus
Plus, chemistry is a subject that requires critical thinking. It’s not something you can just cram and write without thinking. Every science student, whether a medical or non-medical aspirant, has to master chemistry. And there is no better way to do that than to solve model papers.
The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, or simply the UP Board, has released its subject-wise model papers for class 12 students set to sit for the 2023 board exams. On that note, we bring you the Chemistry Model Paper for Class 12. The pattern and general instructions have also been provided. You can also download the UP Board Class 12 Chemistry Model Paper 2023 in pdf format at the end of this article.
- All questions are compulsory. Marks allotted to each question are given in the margin.
- In numerical questions, give all the steps of calculation.
- Give relevant answers to the questions.
- Give chemical equations wherever necessary.
1- a) Number of atoms present in Face Centred Cubic unit cell is –
b) Which is not a colligative property of solution
(i)Osmotic pressure
(ii)Surface tention.
(iii)Elevation in vapour pressure
(iv)Depression in freezing point.
c) Unit of rate constant of zero order reaction is –
(i)litre sec -1
(ii)litremole -1sec
(iv) mole sec-1
d) Which of thefollowing given compound which doesn’t give canizaroreaction-
(iii) Trimethylacetaldehyde
(iv) Formaldehyde.
e) Ethylamineon reaction with HNO3gives-
(iii) C2H5NO2
(iv) C2H5OH
f) Glucose show reducing property because it has-
(i) aldehyde group
(ii)Ketone group
(iii) hydroxyl group
(iv) NH2group
2-a) If an element A (atomic mass 100) has bcc structure with a cell edge of cube is 400 pm then,
(i) Determine the density of A and
(ii) Calculate the number of unit cell in 100 grams of A (NA= 6.023×1023mole -1)
b)What is mole fraction? Write the equation for relation between mole fraction and relative Lowering of vapour pressure of solute.
c) Calculate the equivalent conductivity of 1M H2SO4solution if the specific conductance is 26 ×10 -2ohm -1cm-1(atomic mass of S=32)
d) What is Hardy Schulze law of coagulation? Explain it.
3-a) Calculate the packing efficiency of primitive cubic unit cell.
b) Write the properties and two uses of inert gases.
c) Write the I.U.P.A.C Name of following coordination compound-
i) [Pt (NH3)2Cl (NO2)]
ii) K3[Cr (C2H4)3]
d) Write the structural and functional difference between DNA and RNA.
You can check out the rest of the UP Board Class 12 Chemistry Model Paper questions below.
Chemistry is the study of the structure and composition of substances and how they react with each other. Chemistry is a fundamental subject of science and comes in handy in all fields, be they engineering-related or medical. So it’s essential to grasp chemistry concepts in school and succeed in the board exams. Doing so will also benefit you in your career and higher studies.
So study with commitment, and be sure to practice the UP Board Class 12 Chemistry Model Paper 2023.
All the best!
You can also check the UP Board Class 12 Model Papers for other subjects below.
UP Board 2023 Class 12th Sample Papers RELEASED: Download here
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