Board Exams 2024: Get Exam Results updates, Date Sheet, Syllabus, Time table of CBSE and State Board Exams | Hindustan Times
Mar 16, 2025 03:05 PM IST
The answer sheets evaluated by each examiner will be randomly checked by experts from the Board Headquarters to ensure quality evaluation has been maintained.
The evaluation of over 3 crore answer sheets of UP Board’s high school and intermediate answer sheets would be held under hi-tech vigil of voice recorder enabled CCTV cameras at 261 evaluation centers across the state. The Board has issued guidelines to be followed during March 19 and April 2 for ensuring error free evaluation.
UP Board Exams 2025: The answer sheets will be evaluated in hi-tech vigil of voice recorder enabled CCTV cameras at 261 evaluation centers across the state, (Representative image)
Around 1.5 lakh evaluators have been deputed for the task of evaluation answer sheets of 51,37,233 candidates who appeared in the high school and intermediate examinations of the Board. Secretary of the Board Bhagwati Singh has made it clear that no negligence would be tolerated in evaluation of answer sheets.
As per the guidelines set by the Board, each examiner will not be given more than 50 answer sheets per day or 700 answer sheets in the entire evaluation period in high school besides 80 per day or maximum 800 answer sheets of arts subject. Further, for evaluating intermediate answer sheets, each examiner would not be given more than 45 answer sheets per day or a total of 600 during entire evaluation period.
The examiners will be given half the stipulated number of answer sheets to check before lunch and half after lunch.
The answer sheets evaluated by each examiner will be randomly checked by experts from the Board Headquarters to ensure quality evaluation has been maintained. In charge of all evaluation center have been directed to not allow unauthorized persons enter the evaluation center.
Information regarding evaluators remaining absent from their duties would be given to District Inspector of Schools (DIOS) so that another teacher could be assigned duty.
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News/Education/Board Exams/ UP Board Exams 2025: Over 1.5 lakh examiners to evaluate 3 crore answer sheets under hi-tech vigil, guidelines issued