UP CM Yogi Adityanath inaugurates ‘Sampark Smartshala-Smart Block’ programme in Gorakhpur – ET Government

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Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath interacts interacts with a student as he visits the stalls set up by the Basic Education Department for the Nipun Bharat Mission and Sampark Block Programme, in Gorakhpur on Tuesday. (PTI Photo)

The Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday said the state has made a big leap in basic education over the past six years and many schools on the verge of closure have been rejuvenated during the period. He inaugurated the ‘Sampark Smartshala-Smart Block’ programme, a joint initiative of the basic education department and the Sampark Foundation, at the Yogiraj Baba Gambhirnath Auditorium in Gorakhpur.Adityanath said the Skill India Mission is yielding great results and improving the quality of education in the state by putting technology to better use.

Under the ‘Sampark Smartshala-Smart Block’ programme, 58 schools under the Basic Education Council in the city area and 68 such institutions in the Chargawan block were equipped with LED TVs and smart mathematics and english language learning kits, according to a statement.

The chief minister also personally provided ‘Teaching and Learning Material’ kits to teachers of five schools and released a magazine of the Sampark Foundation, it said.

Adityanath said that prior to 2017, schools under the Basic Education Council lacked proper toilets, flooring and drinking water facilities. There was also a severe shortage of teachers, he added.

To address these, Adityanath said, the government committed itself to improving the education system and hired 1.65 lakh teachers.

Emphasising the importance of technology in the field of education, he said its effective usage has led to rapid advancement in the educational landscape.

The chief minister said the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted school education but Prime Minister Narendra Modi led a campaign for Digital India which ensured that children’s education went on uninterrupted.

He said that after witnessing the results of the ‘smart school, smart block’ programme as a pilot project in Gorakhpur, a plan will be made to implement it in the entire state.

  • Published On Jul 5, 2023 at 07:32 AM IST

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#Yogi #Adityanath #inaugurates #Sampark #SmartshalaSmart #Block #programme #Gorakhpur #Government

By bpci

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