UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023: PDF Download Important Topics, Exam Pattern

Jagran Josh

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023: Download the detailed UPPSC APS Syllabus PDF here. The APS exam will be conducted in three stages viz. Written test, typing test and computer practical. Check the exam pattern for written exams along with marking schemes, important topics and recommended books.

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has released  the Additional Private Secretary (APS) syllabus and exam pattern along with notification to fill up 328 posts of APS. The candidates will be selected for UPPSC APS posts based on their performance in the Written exam, Hindi Shorthand & Typewriting, and Computer Practical Exam. All the eligible candidates must download the latest UPPSC APS syllabus and exam pattern and then reshape the preparation strategy accordingly.

Apart from the UPPSC APS exam syllabus, candidates must also be well-acquainted with the UPPSC APS exam pattern to get an idea of the exam format, number of questions, maximum marks, and other exam requirements prescribed by the commission. As per the past trend and exam analysis, it is reported that the questions asked in the UPPSC APS exam were of medium level.


In this blog, we have compiled the detailed UPPSC APS syllabus PDF, including the UPPSC APS exam pattern, preparation strategy, and a list of the best books for preparation.

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023

Here is the major overview of the UPPSC APS syllabus and exam pattern details for the reference of aspirants.

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023

Exam Conducting Body

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission

Post Name

Additional Private Secretary


UPPSC APS Syllabus and Exam Pattern

Selection Process

Written exam

Hindi Shorthand & Typewriting

Computer Practical Exam

Maximum Marks

Written exam: 150

Hindi Shorthand & Typewriting: 100

Computer Practical Exam: 50


Written exam: 3 Hour

Hindi Shorthand & Typewriting: 1.5 Hour

Computer Practical Exam: 1 Hour

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 PDF

Candidates must download the UPPSC APS syllabus PDF from the link below to learn about the theories and concepts that need to be covered for the exam. Get the direct link to download the UPPSC APS Exam Syllabus below:

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 for Written Exam

The UPPSC Additional Private Secretaries syllabus comprises three subjects, i.e., General Knowledge, General Hindi, and Computer Knowledge.  Check the subject-wise UPPSC APS syllabus PDF for the written exam discussed below.

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023


Important Topics

General Knowledge


Books and Authors

Important Indian Cities and Monuments

Ancient History

Medieval History

Modern India History 

Indian Constitution and Polity

Indian Geography 

Geography of Uttar Pradesh

Science and Technology

Current Affairs(National and International)

Arithmetic (Upto Class VIII)

General Hindi

अपठित गद्यांश और प्रश्नोत्तर तथा अपठित गद्यांश का शीर्षक

मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ तथा उनका प्रयोग

पत्र एवं कार्यालयीय विभिन्न पत्रों का आलेखन

विभिन्न शब्दों का एक शब्द

हिन्दी निबन्ध

वाक्यों का शुद्धीकरण

पर्यायवाची तथा विलोम शब्द


शब्दों के अर्थ-हिन्दी से अंग्रेजी एवं अंग्रेजी से हिन्दी

Computer Knowledge

Basic knowledge of working on Windows System Platforms on desktops and laptops with peripherals like Printer, Scanner, Microphone and Speaker.

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Powerpoint


World Wide Wen (WWW)

Working knowledge of Google Search Engine

Working Knowledge of E-mailing (sending, sending with attachment, reading, saving, printing, maintaining address book etc.)

Working Knowledge of preparation of presentations (power point, PDF etc.) with different styles and animations.

UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023 for Computer Practical Exam

Candidates declared qualified in the written exam and Hindi Shorthand & Typewriting will be called to appear in the computer practical exam. Check the subject-wise UPPSC APS syllabus PDF for the computer practical exam discussed below.

  1. Working Knowledge of E-mailing (sending, sending with attachment, reading, saving, printing, maintaining address book, etc.)
  2. Conversant in the use of the World Wide Web and popular websites (for Railway/Air Reservation, search engines like Google, information websites like Wikipedia, etc.)
  3. Hands-on Microsoft Office.

(1) Word, Excel, PowerPoint. (i) Document writing, (ii) for mailing, (iii) punctuation insertion of table diagrams.

(2) Making of PowerPoint Presentation.

(3) Use of formulae and calculations on Excel sheet

Weightage of UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023

Below we have listed the stages of UPPPSC APS examination with detailed examination pattern

  • In Stage 1, the UPPSC APSC written exam comprises objective-type questions and a negative marking of one-third (0.33) of the marks applicable for incorrect answers. The minimum qualifying mark to ace the written exam is 40% (35% for SC & ST).
  • In Stage 2, The next UPPSC APS selection stage is Hindi Shorthand & Typewriting. In the Hindi Shorthand, candidates must have a speed of 80 words per minute of dictation in 5 minutes, and the time for transcription is 60 minutes. In Computer Typewriting, candidates must have a speed of 25 words per minute of typing in 5 minutes.
  • In Stage 3, the Computer Practical Exam carries 50 marks.

UPPSC APS Exam Pattern 2023


Number of Question

Maximum Marks


General Knowledge



1 Hour

General Hindi



1 Hour

Computer Knowledge



1 Hour




3 Hour

UPPSC APS Stage 2 Exam Pattern 2023


Maximum Marks


Hindi Shorthand


1.5 hour

Hindi Typewriting


UPPSC APS Stage 3 Exam Pattern

Computer Practical Exam

50 marks

1 hour

How to Cover UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023?

The UPPSC exam for the Additional Private Secretary post is one of the most popular recruitment exams in the country. Thousands of candidates appear in this exam every year, but only a handful can clear the exam owing to their hard work and unique strategy. So, candidates must check the UPPSC APS syllabus and prioritize the topics accordingly. Here are the best preparation tips to ace the  UPPSC APS written exam with flying colors.

  • Analyze the UPPSC APS syllabus and exam pattern carefully. Prepare the list of important topics based on the question weightage, prior knowledge, and availability of books.
  • Candidates should choose the best UPPSC APS books to grasp fundamental chapters and advanced topics in a detailed manner.
  • Solve mock tests and UPPSC APS previous year’s question papers to check where their preparation stands and improve weak areas for effective results.
  • Revise all the essential topics, current affairs, etc., regularly to retain concepts for a definite period.

Best Books for UPPSC APS Syllabus 2023

There is a wide variety of UPPSC APS books available in bookstores and PDF versions for exam preparation. Candidates should cover all the aspects of the UPPSC APS syllabus with the help of sufficient books and study resources. Check the expert-recommended UPPSC APS exam books shared below:

UPPSC APS Books 2023


Book Names

General Hindi

Samanya Hindi for all competitive exams by Kuldeep Mishra

Computer Knowledge

Arihant Computer Awareness

General Knowledge

Lucent’s General Knowledge by Dr Binay Karna

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