UPPSC RO ARO Eligibility 2023: Age Limit, Educational Qualification

Jagran Josh

UPPSC RO ARO Eligibility 2023: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission releases Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer (Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari) Eligibility through the official notification. Read the article below to check the age limit and educational qualification

UPPSC RO ARO Eligibility 2023: The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission releases UPPSC RO ARO Eligibility for all the posts along with the official notification on the website. As per the latest updates, the official UPPSC RO ARO notification is likely to be released in the month of October 2023 for the recruitment of a Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer (Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari). 

Candidates must ensure that they fulfil all the UPPSC RO ARO eligibility criteria specified in the official notification. In brief, all graduate aspirants with a minimum age of 21 years are eligible to apply for the UPPSC RO ARO recruitment process.  With this, they should enter only valid details about their eligibility in the UPPSC Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari application form so that their candidature is not rejected.

In this blog, we have shared all the parameters of the UPPSC RO ARO eligibility criteria, including age limit, qualification, and other related details for the reference of the aspirants.

UPPSC RO ARO Eligibility 2023

The UPPSC RO ARO eligibility criteria are specified by the commission in the official advertisement. Here are the key highlights of the UPPSC Eligibility Criteria for the Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer posts tabulated below.

UPPSC RO ARO Eligibility 2023

Exam Conducting Body

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission

Post Name

Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer (Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari)

Minimum Age Limit

21 years

Age Relaxation

Differs as per category

Educational Qualification

Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University.



Number of Attempts

No Restrictions


No previous experience is required


The age limit is one of the important parameters of the UPPSC RO ARO eligibility criteria. Candidates must have attained the age of 21 years and must not exceed 40 years as of the prescribed date. The minimum and maximum UPPSC RO ARO age limits are tabulated below.


Minimum Age

21 years

Maximum Age

40 years

PH-55 years

Is The Age Relaxation in UPPSC RO ARO?

There shall be a relaxation in the upper UPPSC RO ARO age limit for all the reserved categories of candidates who are residents of Uttar Pradesh. However, candidates who want to avail of reservation benefits must submit the required certificate in the prescribed form as and when asked by the commission. Check the UPPSC RO ARO age relaxation for different categories shared below.


UPPSC RO ARO Age Relaxation

Scheduled Castes of U.P., Scheduled Tribes of U.P.

5 years

Other Backward Classes of U.P.

5 years

Skilled players of U.P. of Classified Games

5 years

State Govt. Employees of U.P. including Teachers/Staff of the Basic Shiksha Parishad of U.P.

5 years

Teachers/Staff of the Government Aided Madhyamik Vidyalayas of U.P.

5 years

Physically Handicapped Persons of U.P.

15 years

Group- ‘B’ posts for the Emergency Commissioned Officers/ Short Service Commissioned Officers/Ex-Army Personnels of U.P. who have rendered five years service in Army, but there shall be no reservation for Group- ‘B’ posts

5 years

UPPSC RO ARO Educational Qualification

Candidates should fulfil UPPSC RO ARO educational qualifications for the post they are applying for. The post-wise UPPSC Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari educational qualifications are tabulated below.

Post Name

UPPSC RO ARO Educational Qualification

Samiksha Adhikari (Account)

U.P. Secretariat

(1) Bachelor’s degree in commerce with Accountancy from any recognized University.

(2) ‘O’ Level certificate in ComputerApplication from an Institute recognized by the Government.

(3) Knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagari Script.

Samiksha Adhikari (Hindi)

U.P. Secretariat

Bachelor’s degree with Hindi Literature or Sanskrit Literature as one of the Subjects from any recognized University.

Samiksha Adhikari (Urdu)

U.P. Secretariat

Bachelor’s degree with Arabic Literature or Persian Literature or Urdu Literature as one of the subjects from any recognized University. Provided that the requirement of having taken Urdu Literature or Persian Literature, or Arabic Literature shall not be necessary in case of a candidate who has passed the Adib-e-Kamil Examination of Jamia Urdu-Aligarh.

Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari (Account)

U.P. Secretariat

(1) Bachelor’s degree in commerce with Accountancy from any recognized University.

(2) ‘O’ Level certificate in ComputerApplication from an Institute recognized by the Government.

(3) Knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagari Script.

U.P. Public Service Commission

Graduate degree in commerce with Accountancy from a University recognized by law in India

Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari 

U.P. Secretariat/Board of Revenue, U.P./Office of Chief Election Officer, U.P

(1)Bachelor’s degree from any recognized University.

(2) “O” Level certificate awarded by the DOEACC Society or a qualification equivalent thereto.

(3) Possess a minimum speed of twenty-five words per minute in Hindi typewriting.

Note: Preference shall be given to an aspirant who knows English Typewriting also.

U.P. Public Service Commission

(1)Bachelor’s degree from any recognized University.

(2) Possess a minimum speed of twenty-five words per minute in Hindi typewriting

What is the UPPSC RO ARO Nationality?

Aspirants must possess certain nationality criteria apart from fulfilling other eligibility conditions for the UPPSC Samiksha Adhikari/Sahayak Samiksha Adhikari recruitment. Candidates must be Indian nationals as per the UPPSC RO ARO eligibility criteria.

Reservation Criteria For UPPSC RO ARO 2023 

  • The reservation for Scheduled Castes of U.P./Scheduled Tribes of U.P./Other Backward Class of U.P./Economically Weaker Sections candidates of U.P. shall be applicable as per the guidelines of relevant Govt.
  • The reservation for the category under horizontal as Dependents of Freedom Fighters of U.P., Ex-serviceman of U.P., P.H. of U.P., and Women candidates shall be permissible as per rule. Reservation for PH of U.P. shall be allowed for the advertised post.
  • Candidates who want to avail the benefit of the reservation/age relaxation should obtain a certificate provided by the competent authority in the specified format.
  • Aspirants who are not originally domiciled in the U.P. belonging to SC, ST, O.B.C., EWS, dependants of freedom fighters, Ex-Servicemen, skilled players, and P.H. are not entitled to reservation/age relaxation benefits. In the case of the female candidates, the caste certificate issued from the father’s side will be considered valid.

Marital Status For UPPSC RO ARO 2023

As per UPPSC RO ARO eligibility criteria, the male candidates who are married and have more than one wife living and women candidates who have married a candidate already having a wife, shall not be eligible unless the Hon’ble Governor has granted exemption from this criteria.

Is Experience Required For UPPSC RO ARO? 

It is not compulsory to possess any work experience when applying for the UPPSC RO ARO recruitment. Candidates are eligible to apply for the UPPSC Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer post till they are fulfilling the age limit, qualification, and other specified parameters.


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