UPPSC RO ARO Important Questions for History, Politics, and Geography

Jagran Josh

UPPSC RO ARO Important Questions: The UPPSC RO ARO prelims exam is scheduled for February 11, 2024. The UPPSC RO ARO prelims exam is divided into two papers, i.e., general studies and general Hindi. The UPPSC RO ARO general studies question paper comprises questions from subjects like history, general science, geography, economy, current events, polity, Indian national movement, and much more.


In this article, we have shared the list of important questions frequently asked in the UPPSC RO ARO 2024 exam. Candidates can check out the questions provided below.

Most Expected Questions for UPPSC RO ARO Exam 2024

Check out the top questions discussed below that were repeatedly asked in the preliminary examination in history, general science, geography, economy, current events, politics, the Indian national movement, and so on.

Q1. The second most important source after fossil fuels contributing to Indian energy need is

(a) Hydropower energy

(b) Wind energy

(c) Nuclear energy

(d) Solar energy

Ans: d


Q2. In which of the following historical melas/fairs of Uttar Pradesh both Hindu and Muslims come?

(a) Nauchandi Mela

(b) Bavaro Baba Mela

(c) Fuldol Mela

(d) Bateshwar Mel

Ans. a


Q3. Which of the following is the largest Fresh Water Lake in India?

  1. a) Kolleru

(b) Wular

(c) Nalsarovar

(d) Sambhar

Ans. b


Q4. Cyclone “Tauktae” was formed in which ocean?

(a) Bay of Bengal

(b) Indian Ocean

(c) Caspian Sea

(d) Arabian Sea

Ans. d


Q5. Mitali Express runs between which two cities?

(a) Dhaka – Guwahati

(b) Dhaka – Chittagong

(c) Dhaka – Kolkata

(d) Dhaka – New Jalpaiguri

Ans. d


Q6. What is the ‘quorum’ required in the State Legislature to hold a meeting?

(a) Thirty members or one-tenth of the total membership, whichever is less

(b) One-half of the total membership of the House

(c) One-fourth of the total membership of the House

(d) Ten members or one-tenth of the total members of the House, whichever is greater

Ans. d


Q7. In a Sitar, which type of sound vibrations are produced?

(a) Progressive and Longitudinal

(b) Progressive and Transverse

(c) Stationary and Longitudinal

(d) Stationary and Transverse

Ans. d


Q8. Which of the following states started the E-ration Card Service for the first time?

(a) Gujarat

(b) Maharashtra

(c) Uttar Pradesh

(d) Delhi

Ans. d


Q9. The Disaster Management Act was passed by the Parliament of India in –

(a) 2001

(b) 2005

(c) 2009

(d) 2013

Ans. b


Q10. Which of the following countries is the largest producer of fish in the world?

(a) Japan

(b) China

(c) Russia

(d) USA 

Ans. b


Q11. Which of the following is one of the twelve ‘HRIDAY’ cities chosen for the holistic development of heritage cities?

(a) Agra

(b) Gaya

(c) Pune

(d) Warangal

Ans. b


Q11. How many letters of the English alphabet (capitals) appear the same when looked at mirror?

(a) 9

(b) 10

(c) 11

(d) 12 

Ans. c


Q12. The Six Points Formula proposal of India for the South Asian Region was presented by which Prime Minister of India?

(a) Manmohan Singh

(b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

(c) Narendra Modi

(d) Inder Kumar Gujral

Ans. b


Q13. What was the total percentage of Central revenue spent on Military force in British  India?

(a) 40%

(b) 45%

(c) 50%

(d) 55%

Ans. a


Q14. Who among the following visitors to India did not belong to Portuguese country?

(a) Duarte Barbosa

(b) Domingo Paes

(c) Peter Mundy

(d) Fernao Nuniz

Ans. c


Q15. The Headquarters of the International Potato Centre (CIP) is situated in –

(a) Lima, Peru

(b) Shimla, India

(c) Dakar, Senegal

(d) Dublin, Ireland 

Ans. a


Q16. Which one is odd among the following groups?

(a) Tokyo

(b) London

(c) New York

(d) Beijing

Ans. c


Q17. Who led the ‘Banaras Rebellion’ against the Britishers?

(a) Shuj auddaullah

(b) Asaf-ud-Daulah

(c) Raja Chaith Singh

(d) Raja Maheep Narayan Singh

Ans. c


Q18. How many Mahajanapadas were located in present-day of Uttar Pradesh among the oldest sixteen Mahajanapadas of India?

(a) 06

(b) 07

(c) 08

(d) 09

Ans. c


Q19. Which one of the following districts of Uttar Pradesh does not share a border with Nepal?

(a) Balarampur

(b) Shravasti

(c) Kushinagar

(d) Lakhimpur Kheri

Ans. c


Q20. Where in India the first rubber-based tyre Metro is being built?

(a) Ahmednagar

(b) Surat

(c) Vadodara

(d) Nasik

Ans. d

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