UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023: PDF Download, Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme

Jagran Josh

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023: The Union Public Service Commission has released UPSC CAPF for 322 Assistant Commandants vacancies. Download UPSC CAPF Syllabus PDF and Exam Pattern here.

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023: The Union Public Service Commission has released the official UPSC CAPF notification for 322 vacancies for the Assistant Commandant posts on the official website. Candidates must carefully review the UPSC CAPF syllabus and exam pattern to familiarize themselves with the exam requirements and strategize their preparation accordingly. 

Apart from the UPSC CAPF syllabus PDF, aspirants must understand the UPSC CAPF exam pattern to understand the paper structure, question type, number of sections, and marking scheme defined by the commission. Going by previous trend analysis, it is found that the questions asked in the UPSC CAPF exam were easy to moderate level. Hence, aspirants must check the UPSC CAPF syllabus PDF and prepare effectively for the exam.


In this blog, we have shared complete details of the UPSC CAPF syllabus PDF, including the UPSC CAPF exam pattern, preparation tips, and a list of the best books here.

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023

Here are the key highlights of the UPSC CAPF syllabus and exam pattern shared below for the ease of the candidates.

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023 Overview

Exam Conducting Body

Union Public Service Commission

Post Name

Assistant Commandant




UPSC CAPF Syllabus and Exam Pattern

UPSC CAPF Exam Date 2023

August 6, 2023

Selection Process

Prelims, Mains, and Interview

Maximum Marks

Written Exam, Physical Test/Medical Test, and Interview/Personality Test


Paper I- 2 hours

Paper II- 3 hours

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023 PDF

Before applying, aspirants should download the UPSC CAPF syllabus PDF link shared below to get an idea of the topics to be covered in the exam and pick the highly recommended books to ace the upcoming exam. Get the direct link to download the UPSC CAPF Syllabus PDF link below:

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023-Important Topics 

The UPSC CAPF written exam will be conducted on August 6, 2023, and will comprise two papers, i.e. Paper I and Paper II. Paper I covers General Ability and Intelligence and Paper II covers General Studies, Essays, and Comprehension. Check the paper-wise UPSC CAPF syllabus for all the subjects tabulated below.

UPSC CAPF Paper I Syllabus 2023-General Ability and Intelligence



Logical Reasoning



Decision making

Visual memory


Space visualization


Problem solving



Arithmetical reasoning

Verbal and figure classification


Relationship concepts

Arithmetical number series, etc

Numerical Ability

Simplification/ Approximation

Profit and Loss

Permutation and Combination

Number Systems


Time and Work


Speed, Time and Distance

Mixtures and Alligations

Sequence and Series

Ratio and Proportion

Data Interpretation


Simple Interest and Compound Interest

Surds and Indices, etc

General Science

General Awareness

Comprehension & Appreciation of Scientific Phenomena

Information Technology

Environmental Science

Scientific Temper


Current Affairs



Books & Authors

Important Dates





National/International Awards

Constitution of India



Interplay among nations


Scientific Progress/Development


Societal and Development Issues, etc

History of India

Ancient History

Prehistoric cultures in India

Indus Civilization – Origins- the different phases- society, economy, and culture

Vedic society-Vedic texts- change from Rigvedic to later Vedic phases.

Geographical distribution and characteristics of pastoral and farming society, etc

Medieval India

Early Medieval India. Major dynasties

Cultural trends, 750-1200, Religious circumstances

13th and 14th Centuries

The 15th and early 16th Century

The Mughal Empire, Akbar: invasion, administrative measures, Policy of Sulh-I-Kul, etc

Modern India

British extension

Economic Impact of the British Raj

Cultural encounter and social changes

Confrontation to British rule

Aeas of growth of nationalism and freedom movement

Indian Freedom struggle the first stage, etc.

India and World Geography

Indian Geography: India and its Basics Physical features, Climate, Mineral, River systems, and Industries, etc.

Physical Geography: Geomorphology, Oceanography, Climatology, Biogeography, etc.

World Geography: Major Natural Regions, Regional geography of developed countries, Regional geography of South Asia, Regional geography of developing countries, etc.

Indian Polity and Economy

Country’s Political System

Social systems and public administration

Constitution of India

Regional and international security issues and human rights

Economic development in India, etc

UPSC CAPF Paper II Syllabus 2023-General Studies, Essay, and Comprehension

General Studies

Modern Indian history


Freedom struggle

Knowledge of security and human rights issues

Polity and economy

Analytical ability, etc

Essay and Comprehension

Comprehension passages

Simple grammar

Précis writing

Developing counter-arguments, etc

UPSC CAPF Exam Pattern 2023

Aspirants must be well-acquainted with the UPSC CAPF exam pattern to understand the exact requirements of the written exam. This will help them to analyze the topic-wise weightage, number of sections, and other relevant factors defined by the commission.

  • The UPSC CAPF written exam comprises two papers, i.e., Paper 1 and Paper 2.
  • Paper 1 contains Objective (Multiple Answers) Type Questions. Questions asked in Paper 2 will be descriptive in nature.
  • The medium of Paper 1 is English as well as Hindi language. 
  • In Paper 2, candidates will be allowed the option of writing the Essay Component in English or Hindi, but the medium of Precis Writing, Comprehension Components, and other communications/ language skills will be English only.
  • There shall be a negative marking of 1/3rd mark for every incorrect answer in Paper 1, whereas there is no negative marking in Paper 2.

UPSC CAPF Exam Pattern 2023



Maximum Marks

Question Type



General Ability and Intelligence


Objective Type Questions

2 Hours


General Studies, Essay and Comprehension



3 hours



Interview/Personality Test


UPSC CAPF Physical Efficiency Test

Candidates who are declared successful in the written examination will be shortlisted for Physical Standards/Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests. All the qualified candidates who fulfill the prescribed Physical Standards will be required to appear in the Physical Efficiency Tests as shared below.

UPSC CAPF Physical Efficiency Tests (PET)




100 Meters race

In 16 seconds

In 18 seconds

800 Meters race

In 3 minutes 45 seconds

In 4 minutes 45 seconds

Long Jump

3.5 Meters (3 chances)

3.0 Meters (3 chances)

Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.)

4.5 Meters (3 chances)

How to Cover UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023

UPSC CAPF is one of the toughest competitive examination in the country. More than lakhs of candidates appear in this exam, but only a few are declared qualified due to their robust strategy and dedication toward their goals. Thus, it is important to check the UPSC CAPF syllabus to cover all the topics important for the exam. Here is the preparation strategy to ace the UPSC CAPF 2023 exam with flying colors.

  • Understand the UPSC CAPF syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly and then create the list of topics based on their marks weightage and frequency of being asked previously in the exam.
  • Develop conceptual clarity using the best books and online resources recommended by mentors, experts, and previous toppers.
  • Attempt mock tests and UPSC CAPF previous year’s question papers to identify the areas they are weak in and focus on improving their mistakes.
  • Revise all the notes regularly prepared at the time of studying the topics to retain concepts for a definite period.

UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023: Best Books

Candidates should choose the UPSC CAPF books based on the latest editions, syllabus, and structure. The right books will allow them to cover all the topics/sub-topics specified in the UPSC CAPF syllabus. The highly recommended UPSC CAPF books are shared below:

UPSC CAPF Books 2023


Books Name


Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R S Aggarwal

Indian Polity

Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth


NCERT Class 11 (Ancient & Medieval) and NCERT Class 12 (Modern Indian History)


Certificate Physical Geography by G C Leong

General Mental Ability

A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal

General Science

General Science by Disha Experts

Indian Polity and Economy

Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth 

Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

Essay and Comprehension

Objective General English by SP Bakshi

Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis


How to prepare for UPSC CAPF Syllabus?

To ace the UPSC CAPF exam, one must thoroughly understand the UPSC CAPF syllabus, pick the expert-recommended books, and solve questions from mock papers and previous year’s papers from authentic platforms.

What is the UPSC CAPF 2023 Exam Pattern?

As per the UPSC CAPF exam pattern 2023, Paper I carries objective-type questions for 250 marks, and Paper 2 contains descriptive-type questions for 200 marks.

What is UPSC CAPF Syllabus 2023?

The UPSC CAPF Syllabus PDF comprises two papers, i.e., Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 contains General Ability and Intelligence questions, and Paper 2 contains General Studies, Essay, and Comprehension questions.

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