UPSC CDS 2 Final Result 2022 Released, 204 Candidates Qualify

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CDS (II) was conducted by UPSC in September last year.

The recruitment drive will fill up to 100 vacancies for the Indian Military Academy.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced the results of Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination 2, 2022 on Friday, April 21. A total of 204 candidates have been declared qualified based on the results of the CDS (II) which was conducted by the UPSC in September last year and the SSB interview held by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence. Candidates can download the final result from the official website at

The 204 cleared candidates have qualified written examination followed by the round of interviews or personality tests.

The official recruitment reads, “These results will also be available on the UPSC website at However, marks of the candidates will be available on the website after the declaration of the final result of the Officers’ Training Academy (OTA) for Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2022.”

The recruitment drive will fill up 100 vacancies for the Indian Military Academy, 32 vacancies for the Air Force Academy, Hyderabad, and 22 vacancies for the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala Executive Branch. The candidates should also note that the individual marks will be available on the portal after the final result of the Officers’ Training Academy (OTA) for CDS 2 is announced.

Candidates can check out the direct link to download the result or follow the below-mentioned step-by-step process to check it online.

Steps to follow on how to download the result of UPSC CDS 2 Final Result 2022

Step 1: Visit the official website i.e

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link available for CDS 2 final result.

Step 3: On the screen a login window will appear, then enter your credentials and submit.

Step 4: Your UPSC CDS II 2022 final result will be displayed on the screen.

Step 5: Download the result and get its hard copy for future reference.

For more information and other queries, the candidates can also contact the facilitation counter of the UPSC office, either in person or by telephone at 011- 23385271.

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By bpci

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