UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Eligibility Criteria 2023: Check Age Limit, Education Qualification

Jagran Josh

UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist has announced 285 vacancies for the post of Group ‘A’ posts in Geologist, Geophysicist and Chemist and Group ‘B’ post of Junior Hydrologists. 

UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Eligibility Criteria 2023: The Union Public Service Commission has prescribed the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist eligibility criteria 2023. As per that, candidates who have completed their Master’s in any of the prescribed subjects are allowed to write the examination. The UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist has announced 285 vacancies for the post of Group ‘A’ posts in Geologist, Geophysicist and Chemist and Group ‘B’ post of Junior Hydrologists. 

Earlier, the Commission announced the result for the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Prelims exam on 3rd March 2023 along with the scorecard. The UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Main exam for candidates who have qualified the Preliminary exam is scheduled to be held on 24th and 25th of June 2023. 

In this article, we have discussed the detailed eligibility criteria along with the age limit and relaxation relevant to the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist.

UPSC Combined Geo Scientist Eligibility Criteria 2023


As per the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist eligibility, the candidates willing to fill out the application should be a national of either of the following countries:

(a) a Citizen of India, or

(b) a subject of Nepal, or

(c) a subject of Bhutan, or

(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India.

(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka or the East African Countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.

Age Limit

The commission has prescribed the age limit for the Geologist and Geophysicist and Chemist (Group ‘A’) and Hydrogeologist (Scientist B) separately. As per the official notification, a candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not be more than the age of 32 years on the first day of the month of January of the year in which the Examination is to be held for the post of Geologist and Geophysicist and Chemist (Group ‘A’).

Whereas, for writing the Hydrogeologist (Scientist B) examination, the candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 35 years. 


Minimum Age Limit

Maximum Age Limit

Geologist/Geophysicist and Chemist

21 years

32 years

Junior Hydrogeologist

21 years

35 years

Age Relaxation

Candidates who belong to the reserved category (SC/ST/OBC) or are suffering from any physical disability or are ex-servicemen are eligible to get age relaxation in the upper age limit prescribed as per the UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist eligibility. Here in the table, you can check out the detailed age relaxation. 


UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Age Relaxation


5 years


3 years

Government Employees of Geological Survey of India or Central Ground Water Board

7 years

Residents of Jammu and Kashmir between 1st January 1980 and 31st January 1989

5 years

Ex-servicemen disabled during the service

3 years

Ex-servicemen with at least 5 years of service

Upto 5 years

People with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)

Upto 10 years

  • The term ‘Ex-servicemen’ will be applicable for those who are found to be eligible as per the amendments under the Ex-servicemen Rules, 1979.
  • Age relaxation for ex-servicemen will be applicable to only those who have served at any rank/level of the Indian Army, Navy or Air Force.
  • Candidates registering under benchmark disabilities have to fulfill the physical and medical criteria required as prescribed by the authorities.

UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Syllabus 2023: Check Prelims & Mains Subjects & Exam Pattern

Educational Qualification

The minimum educational qualification for the post of UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist is a Master’s degree from a recognised university. The authorities have prescribed the subjects for the different posts and candidates have to strictly adhere to that. 


UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Profile

Applicable Courses

Geo –Physicist (Group ‘A’, Geological Survey of India)

  • M. Sc. in Geophysics
  • M. Sc. in Applied Geophysics
  • M. Sc. in Exploration Geophysics
  • M. Sc. in Physics
  • M. Sc. in Applied Physics
  • M. Sc. in Marine Geophysics
  • M. Sc. in Exploration Geophysics
  • M. Sc. (Technology)

Junior Hydrogeologist (Group ‘B’, Central Ground Water Board)

  • M. Sc. in Geology
  • M. Sc. in Applied Geology
  • M. Sc. in Marine Geology

Chemist (Group ‘A’, Geological Survey of India)

  • M. Sc. in Applied Chemistry
  • M. Sc. in Analytical Chemistry
  • M. Sc. in Applied Chemistry

Geologist (Group ‘A’, Geological Survey of India)

  • M. Sc. in Mineral Exploration
  • M. Sc. in Geo- Exploration
  • M. Sc. in Geological Science
  • M. Sc. in Geology

Important Points:

  • The duration of the Master’s degree should not be less than of 2 years.
  • Those whose results are due will be considered to write the examination on the basis of provisional admission. 
  • During the document verification, the date mentioned on the certificate or degree should precede the last date of filling out the application form.
  • A candidate who is qualified for the exam but has the qualifying degree from a foreign university shall be considered eligible only if the university is government approved.

UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist Question Papers Download PDF Prelims & Mains

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