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Out of the total number of vacancies, 418 posts are for the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer (Representative image)
As per the recruitment notice, the last date to submit the online application forms is March 17 up to 6 PM
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has started the registration process for recruitment to the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner and Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer. Candidates can apply for the job openings on the official website of UPSC at
As per the recruitment notice, the last date to submit the online application forms is March 17 up to 6 PM. Through this recruitment drive, the Commission will fill up a total of 577 vacancies in the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO), Ministry of Labour & Employment.
Out of the total number of vacancies, 418 posts are for the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer and 115 vacancies are for the post of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner. “Applications without the prescribed fee would not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained,” read the notice.
UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2023: Eligibility
Age- Applicants should be between the age limit of 18 to 30 years for Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer (EO/AO) and those applying for APFC posts, must be between 18 to 35 years of age.
Education- The candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree in any subject to be eligible for the examination
UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2023: How to Apply
Step 1: Go to the official website of UPSC at
Step 2: Click on the ‘Apply Now’ link that is on the homepage.
Step 3: Fill up all your personal details correctly.
Step 4: Choose the exam centre of your choice.
Step 5: Upload photo ID card document, photograph, signature, and declaration as instructed.
Step 6: Check and submit the UPSC EPFO application form.
Step 7: Then make the payment of the application fee and keep a printout of the confirmation page.
UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2023: Application Fee
Candidates belonging to the General/ Other Backward Class (OBC)/ Economically Backward Class (EWS) categories have to pay Rs 25. While those from the SC/ST/PWD and women candidates have been exempted from payment of fee. Candidates applying for both posts have to pay Rs 50. Also, the fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstance nor it will be held in reserve for any other examination or selection process.
UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2023: Selection Process
The UPSC EPFO selection will be done on the basis of the recruitment test, interview, document verification, and medical examination.
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