UPSC EPFO Syllabus 2023: Check Section-wise Topics and Exam Pattern

Jagran Josh

UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2023 is being held for selection of 418 vacancies of Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) and 159 vacancies of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) posts. 

UPSC EPFO Syllabus 2023: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced the UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2023 for filling up a total of 577 Group B Non-Ministerial posts in the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, Ministry of Labour & Employment which include 418 vacancies of Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) and 159 vacancies of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) posts. The official notification was announced on 25th February 2023 and the last date to fill the same was 17th March 2023. 

In this article, we have discussed the UPSC EPFO syllabus 2023, exam pattern, preparation tips, and subject-wise best books for the upcoming examination. 

UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2023 Calendar



UPSC EPFO Recruitment Notification 2023

25th February 2023

UPSC EPFO Online Application Starts

25th February 2023

UPSC EPFO Online Application Ends

17th March 2023

UPSC EPFO Admit Card 2023

To be Announced


To be Announced


To be Announced

UPSC EPFO Selection Process 2023

The UPSC EPFO Selection Process for EO/AO and APFC shall include a pen and paper-based Recruitment Test (RT) to shortlist the candidates for the Interview round. Both the Recruitment Test (RTs) are held separately. Candidates who qualify for the recruitment test get shortlisted for the interview round. 

UPSC EPFO Syllabus

The commission has released the UPSC EPFO Syllabus of Recruitment Test (RT) for both Enforcement Officer/Account Officer and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC). Candidates should go through the detailed syllabus for both profiles and prepare effectively for the examination. 

Syllabus of the Recruitment Test (RT) for the post Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officers

The syllabus of the Test broadly comprises the following topics:

i) General English- To evaluate candidate’s understanding of English language & workman – like use of words

ii) Indian Freedom Struggle

iii) Current Events and Developmental Issues

iv) Indian Polity & Economy

v) General Accounting Principles. 

vi) Industrial Relations & Labour Laws

vii) General Science & knowledge of Computer applications

viii) General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude

ix) Social Security in India

Syllabus of the Recruitment Test (RT) for the post Assistant Public Provident Commissioner

The syllabus of the test broadly comprises the following topics: 

(i) General English- To evaluate a candidate’s understanding of English language & workman–like use of words

(ii) Indian Culture, Heritage & Freedom Movements & Current Events

(iii) Population, Development and Globalization 

(iv) Governance and Constitution of India 

(v) Present Trends in Indian Economy

(vi) Accounting and Auditing, Industrial Relations, Labour Laws, Insurance 

(vii) Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications, General Science 

(viii) Elementary Mathematics, Statistics and General Mental Ability

(ix) Social Security in India

UPSC EPFO Exam Pattern 2023

As per the exam pattern for UPSC EPFO for the post of Enforcement Officers (EO)/Accounts Officers (AO) and Assistant Public Provident Commissioner (APPC), the Recruitment Test (RT) shall be conducted in the following format:

(i) The test will be of 2 hours duration.

(ii) All questions will carry equal marks.

(iii) The test will include objective type questions with multiple choice answers.

(iv) The medium of the test will be both Hindi and English.

(vi) There will be penalty for wrong answers. Every wrong answer will carry a deduction of 1/3rd of the marks assigned to that question. If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question. 


Weightage in the ratio of 75:25 will be accorded for marks in Recruitment Test and for marks in Interview for determining the final merit in the instant recruitment case. 



Total Marks

Recruitment Test






How to Prepare for UPSC EPFO Exam?

Preparing for the UPSC EPFO exam requires a strategic and systematic approach to clear the exam with a high score. Here are some preparation tips to help you prepare for the exam effectively:

  1. Know the syllabus: Before you start preparing, go through the UPS EPFO syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly. This will give you an idea about the topics you need to cover and the weightage of each topic
  2. Create a study plan: Create a study plan that covers all the topics in the syllabus. Divide your time equally between different subjects and allocate more time to the topics that you find difficult
  3. Standard study material: Choose the right study material for each subject. NCERT textbooks, standard reference books, and online resources are useful tools to help in preparing for exam
  4. Practice UPSC EPFO previous year’s question papers: Practicing UPSC EPFO AO/EO previous year’s question papers can help you understand the pattern of the exam and the type of questions asked. It will also help you identify the overall test structure 
  5. UPSC EPFO mock tests: Take mock tests regularly to assess your preparation and improve your speed and accuracy. This will also help you identify areas that need more attention
  6. Stay updated with current affairs: Current affairs play an important role in the UPSC EPFO exam. Stay updated with the latest news and events by reading newspapers, magazines, and online resources. Also, attempt current affairs quizzes on a regular basis to prepare effectively for the exam

Best Books for UPSC EPFO Syllabus

Resorting to standard study material for the UPSC EPFO recruitment test helps to create a solid foundation for the examination. Always go for UPSC EPFO books that are aligned with the exam syllabus to maximise the marks in the examination. In the section below, we have mentioned the names of the books that help during the exam preparations. 

Books for UPSC EPFO Exam: General English

EPFO Best Books for General English

Author’s Name/Publisher

High School English Grammar and Composition 

Wren and Martin

Objective General English

S.P. Bakshi 

Books for UPSC EPFO Exam: Indian Freedom Struggle

EPFO Best Books for Indian Freedom Struggle 

Author’s Name/Publisher 

India’s Struggle for Independence 

Bipan Chandra 

Modern Indian History-NCERT XII

Bipan Chandra

Books for UPSC EPFO Exam: Current Events & Developmental Issues

EPFO Best Books for Current Events & Developmental Issues 

Author’s Name/Publisher 

Manorama Year Book

Mammen Mathew

General Knowledge


Books for UPSC EPFO Exam: Indian Polity & Economy

EPFO Best Books for Indian Polity & Economy

Author’s Name/Publisher 

Indian Polity 

M Laxmikanth

Contemporary World Politics 


Books for UPSC EPFO Exam: Other Sections


EPFO Best Books for Other Sections 

Author’s Name/Publisher 

General Accounting and Principles 

Accountancy Class 11th and 12th


Industrial Relations and Labour Laws 

Industrial Relations and Labour Laws 

Dr. Nikita Agarwal 

General Science and Knowledge of Computer Applications 

Encyclopedia for General Science and Handbook for Computer Science and IT 

Expert Compilation

Social Security in India 

Social Security in India 

Ravi Prajash Yadav

Mental Ability and Quantitative Aptitude 

Quantitative Aptitude 

Abhjit Guha 

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