UPSC ESE 2024: Exam pattern of UPSC ESE exam explained

Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times

The Union Public Service Commission conducts the Engineering Services Examination (ESE) for recruitment to posts/services under 4 categories:

The Preliminary exam consists of two objective-type question papers and carries a total of 500 marks which is divided into Paper I = 200 marks and Paper II = 300 marks. (HT File)

Category I: Civil Engineering

Category II: Mechanical Engineering

Category III: Electrical Engineering

Category IV: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

The examination will be conducted by the UPSC in three stages

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Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination (Objective Type Papers)

Stage-II: Engineering Services (Main/Stage-II) Examination (Conventional Type Papers

Stage-III: Personality Test

As per the UPSC Calendar 2024, the Preliminary examination will be conducted on February 18, 2024.

Also Read: DPCC recruiting for AEE vacancies, UPSC ESE non-recommended candidates can apply

Preliminary Examination

The Preliminary exam consists of two objective-type question papers and carries a total of 500 marks which is divided into Paper I = 200 marks and Paper II = 300 marks. Candidates who clear the preliminary exam will be eligible to attempt the main examination.

General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper = Paper-I – 2 Hours

Engineering Discipline specific paper = Paper-II- 3 Hours

In the objective-type questions of the Preliminary exam, negative marks will be assigned for every wrong answer marked.

Main Examination

In the Main examination, candidates are expected to answer two conventional type papers in Engineering Discipline specific with a duration of three hours.

The total marks for the main examination will be 600 (300 Marks in each paper).

A list of candidates selected by the commission based on the criterion of minimum qualifying marks in the Preliminary examination will be allowed to attempt the Main examination.

Also Read: UPSC ESE Final Result 2023 declared at, direct link here

Personality Test

As per the direction of the Commission, candidates who secured minimum marks in the Preliminary exam and Main examination will be called for the Personality Test. UPSC mentioned that the Personality Test would carry 200 marks. The marks obtained by the candidate in all the three stages would decide the final ranking.

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