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Dec 16, 2024 01:47 PM IST
As per the official notice by the council, the changes have been made in certain subjects following suggestions from various quarters. Read the notice below.
The West Bengal Council for Higher Secondary Education, WBCHSE, has made minor changes in the syllabus of certain subjects of Classes 11 and 12. The revised syllabus can be downloaded from the official website of the WBCHSE at
Check the revised WBCHSE syllabus for Class 11 and 12 here. (File/AFP)
As per the official notification, the syllabus of the following subjects have been revised by the council following ‘suggestions from various quarters’:
English B
English A
Alternative English
Bengali A
Hindi A
Hindi B
Political Science
Costing & Taxation
Business Studies
Science of Well-being
Environmental Studies
Biological Science
As per the notice signed by WBCHSE President Dr (Prof) Chiranjib Bhattacharjee, all changes will be effective from the next academic year. It further stated that changes in the subjects mentioned above will be reflected in the 4th Edition of the syllabus book.
Additionally, relevant changes will be made in the council’s next version of the books of Model Question papers.
It may be mentioned here that the changes stated in the Class XI syllabus in the latest notice will not affect the students who are already in the process of preparation for the Class XI Semester 2 examination.
Here is the official notice:
Meanwhile, WBCHSE has also extended the HS Exam 2025 online enrolment date. The West Bengal Class 12th online enrolment date has been extended till December 21, 2024.
Notably, the WBCHSE HS practical exams are ongoing and will get over on December 20, 2024. Those candidates who have already passed in the practical examination in the previous year need not require to appear in the practical examination again.
For more related information, candidates are advised to visit the official website.
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News/Education/Board Exams/ WBCHSE makes ‘minor changes’ in syllabus of Class 11, 12 subjects, check new curriculum & notice here