Employment News: Latest Updates on Employment News Today, Govt Jobs Alert | Hindustan Times
West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) is going to begin the registration process for recruitment of General Duty Medical Officer vacancies today, September 21. Registration and application forms will be available soon on the commission’s website, wbpsc.gov.in.
A total of 300 General Duty Medical Officer vacancies will be filled by WBPSC in this recruitment drive.
Candidates who have medical qualification included in the first and second schedules, or part 2 of the third schedule of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956) can apply for these posts. Further, they must be registered as medical practitioners in West Bengal.
Six months’ practical training as house staff in any government hospital or other recognized institution is desirable. Private practice of any kind is not allowed.
Candidates should not be more than 36 years in the case of ordinary Medical graduates and 40 years in the case of postgraduates. Relaxation will be given to well qualified and experienced candidates. The cut-off date for determining the age limit is January 1, 2023.
The application fee is ₹210 plus charges. The last date to apply is October 12, 3 pm.
For more information, read the notification.
#WBPSC #General #Duty #Medical #Officer #registration #begins #today #wbpsc.gov.in