How 2 Become
The interview question, WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMPANY?, is one of the hardest to answer because your response will be the difference between a pass or a fail.
Let us start by giving you an example of how NOT to answer the question, WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMPANY? We will then give you several tips for constructing the perfect response, before giving you a TOP-SCORING ANSWER!
“What can I bring to the company? That’s a strange question… Well, I’ll turn up every day, and do my job in return for a decent salary!”
So, that was a very poor answer that will have resulted in an interview fail. But, how do you answer it to make sure you BEAT THE COMPETITION?
3 Important Tips For Answering The Question, “WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMPANY?”
TIP #1 – This tough interview question is being asked to assess how much VALUE you can bring to their company. Your answer should be focused on helping their business MOVE FORWARD. If you can help them increase sales, save money, or solve technical or challenging problems, mention these in your answer!
TIP #2 – In your answer to the question WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMPANY?, think of something UNIQUE you can offer them in the position.
- Perhaps you are good at social media, and you could help them sell more products on Facebook or Instagram.
- Perhaps you have an idea for a new product or service they could offer.
- Perhaps you have unique qualifications or have completed training courses that would benefit them.
- Or, perhaps you are a very FAST WORKER who gets more work done than the average person.
Write down a list of the UNIQUE things you can offer their company, and talk about them in your answer.
TIP #3 – When giving our answer to the question, WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMPANY?, be upbeat, enthusiastic, and positive They will ask this same interview question to all the other candidates. Being positive goes a long way to show you can ADD THE MOST VALUE to a company, so practice your answer until it is sounding upbeat and confident before you attend the interview.
“I can bring several things to the company that will add value. The first is my fast pace of working. I am naturally a quick worker and can prioritize tasks based on the needs of my team and employer. I will get more work done than the average employee. I can also bring a positive attitude, flexibility and a promise to embrace change. I can also bring a good knowledge of social media. This means I can help you reach a wider audience on Facebook and Instagram helping to increase revenue. Finally, I can bring a good level of knowledge of this industry and a useful professional network. I have completed numerous training courses that have enhanced my skills and this knowledge will help you maintain your position as a market leader.”
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Joshua Brown
#Bring #Company #Outstanding #Answer