What You Should Never Say in A Job Interview


When you are interviewed for a new job, you need to ensure that you tell the hiring manager the things that will convince them to hire you for the position. From your skill set, experience to your determination, those must be apparent in your answers.

But, as your nerves get the best of you, you may end up saying things that may affect your chances of getting the position. Even if you have the credentials, one wrong answer can change everything.

So, what exactly are the things you shouldn’t say in a job interview? Here is a short list of things you should never say during a job interview and why you should avoid it:

“What does the company do, and what is my position?”

Before any interview, do your research because this will show if you know exactly what you are applying for and who you wish to work with.

“My last boss was not pleasant to work with.”

Even if you dislike your old job, don’t ever badmouth your old team and boss. This can affect your image as a potential employee who can work with the team.

“I am quite nervous.”

Even if you are nervous, you shouldn’t show it during the interview because if you do, they will think you lack the confidence to help the company out.

“Everything is on my resume.”

When a recruiter or hiring manager asks you something about your skills or background, don’t say they should just look at your resume. It would be best if you showed that you know what you can do and promoted it during the interview.

“How much leave can I get?”

As a job applicant, skipping asking about your leave or time off is best until you have the job offer.

“When do I get promoted?”

Like the question above, don’t ask how the company does promotions until you get the position. Asking this question highlights you are overconfident that you will get the position when you are still being considered.

“No questions”

Hiring managers and recruiters want potential employees to show that they did their research and know the right questions to ask as part of their commitment to get the position.

“I am sorry I am late.”

Do not be late during your job interview unless there is a critical emergency you have to attend. If there is an emergency, make it a point to ask for a reschedule if possible.

“Is it ok to follow up with you again about my application?”

Normally, you should give the company time to process your application because they will also need to look at other applicants. Companies will let you know how long it will take for a decision to be made. If not, wait at least a month to ask for a follow-up.

As a job applicant, it is essential that you come in prepared for your job interview, and you can ask and answer the right way. As part of your preparations, take note of this short list of things to avoid during your interview because if you don’t, it will be hard to make a comeback.

Want to look impressive in your interviews? Check out these articles to help you score your dream job:
What to Wear for a Zoom Interview
How to Overcome Job Interview Anxiety
How to Emphasise Your Personal Strengths During an Interview

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#Job #Interview

By bpci

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