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X-GMT 2023: XIM University will going to conduct the XGMT exam on January 29, 2023. Candidates who haev applied for the exam untill January 10 has been issued the X-GMT 2023 admit card on January 23, 2023.
XIM university is conducting the X-GMT exam across six cities in India. Candidates will be able to check the scorecard of X-GMT ON Feburary 3, 2023. XIM University invited the applications for MBA admissions based on MBA entrance exams other than XGMT until January 20.
X-GMT 2023: Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates must hold a three year Bachelor’s degree in any discpline and must have secure at least 55% aggregate from a recognized university.
- Candidates who have secured the 1st, 2nd or 3rd position in their undergraduate program can apply directly to MBA-RM and the MBA-UMG programs, without having a valid CAT/XAT/GMAT/XGMT score. Along with the application, the candidate needs to attach a certificate from the Head of the Institution stating their position. However, the candidate will have to attend the Personal Interview round.
- Candidates who will be unable to complete all the requirements before June 15, 2023, will automatically cancelled.A candidate who joins a program in the University will not be permitted to sit for any examination of any other institution or agency.
X-GMT 2023: Admission Process
- Fill the application form.
- Download the X-GMAT 2023 admit card.
- Appear for X-GMT 2023.
- After that, Check X-GMAT result 2023.
- Writing Ability Test and Personal Interview.
X-GMAT 2023: Schedule
- Issuance of X-GMT admit card – 23-Jan-2023
- X-GMT exam 2023 – 29-Jan-2023
- Result declaration – 03-Feb-2023
- WAT and PI round – to be announced
Story first published: Wednesday, January 25, 2023, 12:28 [IST]
#XGMT #Application #Form #Eligibility #Criteria #Admission #Process