You Have the Mind of Einstein if You Solve This Math Riddle On Decimals in 35 Seconds

Jagran Josh

Math Riddles for Class 7 Students: Only the brightest minds can solve this challenging logical math riddle on decimals. Dive in to check the riddle.

Math Riddles on Decimals for Class 7: Regular exercise and optimum nutrition are needed to keep the body in check. Similarly, your brain also requires food to work efficiently. The human mind is a fascinating yet deeply complex organ that continues to baffle scientists.

In today’s age, the over-reliance on technology has dulled our minds. People don’t tend to use their brains, and critical thinking and observation skills are deteriorating. However, there is an easy way to reverse the damage: solving brain teasers, puzzles and riddles.

The brain requires exercise in the form of challenges, and the more you think and contemplate, the better your brain health will be.

On that note, we bring you the following math riddle on decimals. The test is meant to check your knowledge of mathematics fundamentals, but even if you never went to school, you’ll be able to solve this riddle, as long as you use your brain to the fullest. Check the decimal-based math riddle here. You have only 35 seconds to solve the riddle.

Also Try: Math Riddles For Students: You Are a Math Wizard If You Solve This Polynomial Riddle in 45 Seconds

Decimals Math Riddles for Students: Find the Number in 35 Seconds

Decimal Math Riddle

The above math riddle on decimals has been confounding the internet, and even math geniuses have failed to solve it. Do you have what it takes to crack this decimal riddle? Well, it’s time to find out!

You have 35 seconds to solve the math decimal riddle and find the number. Bonus points if you’re in class 7 or below. For those with more education, you should be able to find the answer to the riddle within the time limit. If not, you fail the test.

So, are you ready?

I have 4 digits 

I am less than 100 

I have an odd digit 

The hundredths digit is the sum of the tens and ones digit 

The tens digit is three times the one’s digit 

The tens digit is two times the tenths digit

Buckle up, your time starts now!

Related: Math Riddles For Students: We Bet You Can’t Solve this Logic-Based Number System Riddle in 30 Seconds!

Decimals Math Riddle Solution

Hopefully, you had fun solving this decimals riddle and got the answer on time. Now it’s time to check if you came up with the correct solution.

From reading the clues we infer that the number has two digits on the whole number side and two on the decimal side.

The hundredths digit is the sum of the tens and ones digit 

Assume the ones digits as x

The tens digit is three times the ones digit 

The tens digit is two times the tenths digit

Using the above clues, we get

The whole number side as [3x][x] and the decimal side as [3x/2] [x+3x]

The number becomes [3x][x].[3x/2][4x]

Since we know the number is less than a hundred, we use the trial and error method.

Let x = 1, and then the number becomes

31.[3/2]4 (this scenario is not possible)

Let x = 2, and the number becomes


If x = 3, the number is

93.[9/2]12 (Not Possible)

Hence the correct answer is 62.38


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#Mind #Einstein #Solve #Math #Riddle #Decimals #Seconds

By bpci

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